Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FA Table Event, Day 1

So, yesterday Candace and I set up a table in the FineArt's building on campus and started harassing people. It is really quiet amusing to watch people as they walk past a table. They either look at you or try and act like they don't see you at all so they don't have to interact. Then there are those who make eye contact and then simply keep walking. Or those who make eye contact and then feel as if they have to stop and talk to you even though you can tell that they really don't want to.

It was great, when you asked people if you could look at their tags, they look at you like, "You want to what?", "I have to do what?" And then some people get really into it and start seeing how many tags they could get to without stripping. I think it would've been fun to make a mobile changing room as people were hesitant to walk down to the bathroom. *laughs*

We decided to go ahead and ask people if they got the article of clothing new, used or if it was a gift as well. It was interesting to see how emberased some people got as they kept saying, 'new' to every answer for three or for pieces of clothing. Then other people were just like, 'whatever', I got it new so what. Still over all there were few people who could actually come out and tell you what their clothing was made out of, without looking.

Over all it was an interesting experience and we plan on doing it again tomorrow morning as well as hopefully again later on in the semester. Either way we got a lot more information up on the map (though most of it is all US and Indiana related. I would really like to get more international information. One of the visitors to the table suggested that we contact the international community for information. Thus far we only have one person from outside of the US, the UK has one lonely participant.)

Anyway, we will get more pictures up soon as well as a digital version of the map (just in case the physical one ends up falling apart. *laughs* I'm trying to find a way to do a digital map that people can add to online, unfortunately I haven't found anything that will work for these purposes yet.) Also doing research for the information that we had at the table, brought up a number of interesting questions that I haven't addressed via this blog yet. So, some of that coming up soon. *cheers*

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