Sunday, November 8, 2009

Swap-Eration Part 1

So Candace and I held the first Swap-Eration today. It went well, we had people show up. We mostly did mending today and traded clothing. It was interesting to see what people showed up with and what they went home with.

Anyway, so I'm not going to post a whole lot of pictures. Candace set up a FB event for it. I'm hoping that people can view the pictures that way. This is a link to the Face Book Event, where images have been posted. If that doesn't work please let me know and I'll post a few of the images here.

I think Candace took a couple of pictures to. We will be having another Swap-Eration later this month if anyone is interested in joining us for that, please let us know and we'll send you information.

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